SPCC Baseline Tank Inspection Deadline--11-10--2016

SPCC Baseline Tank Inspection Deadline--November 10, 2016

EPA updated the SPCC regulation in 2002, but certain provisions, including tank inspection were delayed. EPA allowed 5 years for SPCC plan renewals and 5 years for the work to get done. We are nearly there.

Inspection Workbooks--Examples

Every facility is different and every tank is different. We can shorten the list as appropriate, as well as expand the lists to include situation-specific or location-specific concerns. Reports expand any issue where deficiencies are found, and practical solutions are offered.

In-service Inspection
  • 5-year formal external inspections.
  • Variable-period thickness testing of shell and roof. Horizontal tanks and tanks elevated above the ground on saddles or grillage may have the floor thickness tested without out-of-service (internal) inspection.

Out-of-service Inspection
  • Floor inspection (internal).
  • Inspection of roof suports and beams.
  • Shell inspection (internal). Often pitting is detected that UT (thickness testing) missed.

Inspection Workbook
  • Summary sheet of inspection due dates (external, thickness, internal)
  • Tank code and specification summary (dimensions, material, foundations, age)
  • Thickness test results and calculations
  • Record of past inspections
  • Listing of future inspections dates