SPCC Baseline Tank Inspection Deadline--11-10--2016

SPCC Baseline Tank Inspection Deadline--November 10, 2016

EPA updated the SPCC regulation in 2002, but certain provisions, including tank inspection were delayed. EPA allowed 5 years for SPCC plan renewals and 5 years for the work to get done. We are nearly there.

Monthly Tank Inspections--Example

The SPCC regulation requires "frequent visual inspection" which can be well documented following practices out lined in API RP 575 and API 653. These inspections are normally performed and documented by the operator of owner of the facility and do not require a licensed inspector.

Inspector Qualifications

Tank Operations
40CFR 122.8.c.6

"The inspector must be familiar with facility operations and . . . ."

Operator inspectors are required to have training--we will provide PowerPoint training modules and model templates as a part of the inspection service. 

  • Daily. A walk-around inspections for leaks...
  • Monthly. A more formalized inspection should be performed each month that guides the operator/inspector through a checklist of critical items and includes some formal documentation.

Typical inspection log sheet. The workbook contains a tab for each month.
(Click to enlarge)

Documentation is kept simple using a workbook with one page per month. Complete, uniform and organized.